Easy Water Saving Tips

Easy Water Saving Tips

Easy Water Saving Tips

So You Can Be Kinder To Your Environment

Easy Water Saving Tips

Saving water is a great way to be kinder to your environment. Water is a precious resource not to be wasted, so make the most of what you have. These easy water saving tips make it quite easy, try them out and you’ll see the difference!

1.       Use Sparingly
Keep your water use to a minimum, and even then, make sure you don’t leave the tap running unnecessarily, for instance when you brush your teeth or wash your face. Only turn the tap on when you really need to.

2.       Sneaky Leaks
Anything that uses water probably has the potential to leak, such as hosepipes and toilets. Check these for leaks, and get them fixed.

3.       Garden Saving
Use your own compost or any cuttings, leaves or grass to cover the base of plants and trees to help them retain moisture so you don’t need to water them as often as usual.

4.       Wise Car Washing
The next time your car needs a wash, rather do it yourself instead of taking it down to the carwash down the road. Also, keep a bucket of warm soapy water to do most of the washing, and keep hosepipe use to a minimum – use a fine spray to cover more area and use less water at the same time.

5.       Grey Water
“Grey” water is water that has been used and is usually thrown away but can actually be used again. Water from rinsing dishes can be used in the garden (make sure to not use water with soap or detergents), and water from washing laundry by hand can be used to wash other things such as paintbrushes.


Next time you’re using water, think about how much you’re using, and if you can cut it down. Write down these easy water saving tips or print them out so you can see them and try put them into practice daily! You’ll be saving money on your water bill, and doing your bit to helping the environment too!

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