Find out how big your carbon footprint is, and how you can reduce it.
Calculate Your Carbon Footprint Here:
Being aware of how big your carbon footprint is important, and it could highlight a few areas where you can easily reduce it.
The carbon footprint calculator takes into account your electricity usage, local and international transport, fuel usage, and recycling habits.
Once you know your carbon footprint, be sure to check out some useful and easy tips to reduce your footprint. Just a few simple changes can make a huge different. You will reap the benefits, and so will your environment.
- Only turn on lights in rooms that are being used. If the room isn’t occupied, keep any lights off.
- Use energy efficient and LPG gas heaters instead of electric oil and halogen heaters. Get some thick comfortable blankets to keep you warm on the colder nights instead of using heaters.
- Use energy efficient appliances or cut down on the number of appliances you use, and share them if you live with other people.
- Turn your geyser off during the day when you don’t use it, and make use of an insulating blanket to help it retain heat when it’s not in use.
- Unplug anything that is plugged into the wall and is not being used. These will still use electricity, even if in small amounts, but if you have many appliances plugged in, it will build up.
- Turn your PC off when you’re not using it and unplug laptop chargers from the wall.
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator
- Fill your dishwasher and washing machine to make the most out of ever wash, and dry clothes outside instead of using a tumble dryer when possible.
- Use energy saving light bulbs and LEDs – they last longer and use less power than conventional bulbs.
- Reuse and recycle instead of throwing away – it costs less to make products from recyclable materials than it does to make them from raw material
- Only print things when you really need to – print double sided to save on ink and paper when you do print.